Påmelding for Vestlandsmesterskapet runde 1 på Klepp 12. april er åpen

Her finner dere påmeldingen til årets første løp i karting:


Oppdatert terminliste Formel K pr 11. mars

Her finner du oppdatert terminliste pr 11.mars : http://bilsport.no/uploads/2012/09/Formel-k1.pdf

Rudskogen åpner for årets første trening

Rudskogen åpner også for sesongstart for trening førstkommende søndag 16. mars

Trening fra kl. 13:00 – 20:00


Norway honoured with Emil Antonsen

Coming from a passionate family, Emil Antonsen – 20 years old – was crowned KZ2 European Champion this year, the first Norwegian to obtain such a distinction in karting. It was a very emotional moment for him!

«I was used to competing in Norway without necessarily having the best equipment: this is good training! The most important result of my career was my second place in the KZ2 World Cup in 2012 at Sarno no doubt. I realized then that I could compete with bigger rivals and it gave me a new confidence. I participated in more international races in 2013. As I didn’t know all the circuits, I prepared myself by watching videos from on-board cameras.

«With more experience, I was confident at Genk for the final round of the European Championship, 4th in the provisional standings. I knew I could maybe fight for the podium. The meeting went perfectly. I took pole position and won three qualifying heats. I secured 3rd place in my prefinal and kept four new tyres for the final. I had to finish ahead of Johansson to win the title. When Tiene passed me, I followed and it helped me a lot. I could enjoy my success during the race after passing Johansson, which was an indescribable feeling! Emotion overwhelmed me then on the podium …

«It’s really great to be European Champion. I was also awarded the Driver of the Year title in Norway, which was given to Peter Sollberg in 2003. I’ll race in KZ next year, still with Danilo Rossi. My driving style helps me preserve my tyres, which will be an advantage with the softer tyres. Then I will definitely consider going to cars and aim for the highest level … «

Da ser det ut til at vi nærmer oss sesongstart :)

KNA Varna åpner for trening lørdag den 08.03.14 fra kl. 10.00 – 16.00. Husk å ha med betalte gyldige lisenser og klubbmedlemskap. Cafeen vil være åpen og varm. Velkommen til en ny sesong.


NMK Trøgstad har åpent for trening på lørdag 8.3.2014 fra klokken 12:00 til 16:00. Velmøtt.

Spennende Pinsehelg på Rudskogen

Ser ut til at det blir en fartsfylt helg på Rudskogen i Pinsehelgen, samtidig med Pinseløpet i gokart 07. – 09. juni

Blir en spennende helg å se fram til, det skal kjøres en runde i den Scandinaviske Superkart serien på Rudskogen samme helg.

Norwegian Thunder Car Championship, NTCC
